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Book 2 of the Wayne’s Angel Trilogy-Christian Fantasy

May 23, 2019

Betwixt, by Ron W. Mumford

(Book 2 of the Wayne’s Angel Trilogy-Christian Fantasy)

(Houston, TX/Wales, U.K.) Book two of the Wayne’s Angel trilogy introduces the Most Evil Woman in the World…Dr. Helle Guyion, a parapsychologist that works with Russian cosmonauts. Her master is Satan. She is on earth to promote “false god” religion and is the High Priestess of Satanic worship. Her evil deception and power are from her master’s training and she uses it to shape, manipulate and deceive our characters… not to mention heading up the world drug distribution avenues. She is rich beyond anyone’s wildest imagination.

Betwixt introduces a modern day version of Pandora’s Box that defies the intellect of the world’s greatest scientists and sends them on a hunt for the missing ingredient that would complete the building of a “dooms day” bomb. Betwixt is Wayne’s Angel on steroids!

There are plenty otherworldly, unexplainable phenomena that leaves Wayne Tyler, wife Abby, Daddy Hank, Robbie and Bella Cantrell in complete awe and confusion. As usual, Mr. Elroy, a.k.a. Gordon, Wayne’s angel, is present to calm their fears. And…who is this new lady, Liz, that has caught the eye of Daddy Hank?

The Evil One has chosen Bella to be his new concubine. She is brought to Betwixt and literally has the hell scared out of her. In a dream, Daddy Hank goes to defend her.

Betwixt is available anywhere books are sold. Stay tuned for the final book in the trilogy entitled Z-Gen, The Final Generation. Film producer inquiries are welcome. Contact [email protected] to receive a Registered Screen Treatment if interested or visit our website at

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