our Six Step Submission process
PLEASE NOTE Before submitting:
MANUSCRIPTS SHALL BE Professionally EDITED. (If not, contact us and we can edit for a fee)
Step 1: Submit Book
Complete the online information by clicking the button on the upper right hand corner of this page or clicking here on the upper right hand corner of the page. For Children’s Book Here and for Non-fiction or Fiction books here
Step 2: Manuscript review
All submissions will receive a thorough review by our editorial board. Allow us 30 days to peruse your submission and we will inform you of our decision. If we decline to publish your submission we give you the specific reasons for our decision. If we decide to proceed, we will contact you to discuss your goals as an author in detail.
Step 3: Contract Signing
Step 4: Manuscript Preparation
Following receipt of your signed Contract and payment, forward your finalized manuscript and additional material specified in the Contract. You will be assigned a Project Manager who will be your primary point of contact throughout the remainder of the publishing process. We only accept “fully edited manuscripts.” If our editors feel it needs another edit then the author is required to get the additional edit before we move forward with production.*
*Be aware the author incurs the cost of this edit and we will refer you to a vetted editor.
Step 5: Cover Design
If you have already paid a graphic artist to design your cover, we will require that you arrange for the original Photoshop or Indesign layer files to be forwarded to us, to allow the addition of logos, barcode and any needed modifications to the back cover.
Step 6: Production
Once the final edit, if needed, is completed, the book will go into production. At this step, the author will be required to do the following:
- Proof the final galley pass of the hard copy book and to sign off before it goes to print
- Proof the final ebook pass and sign off on the file (Kindle or Nook) before it is uploaded
- Submit blurbs/endorsements if received
- Help with the back cover copy