Questions & Answers

How does 3rd Coast Books work?

     3rd Coast Books does not publish every submission we receive; we decline more than we accept.  In order to improve the possibility of acceptance, we strongly suggest that your manuscript be thoroughly edited prior to submission. Specifically that the manuscript has received a professional structural and grammar edit.  Most manuscripts benefit from multiple edits as each editor has unique strengths.  Treat your work as a writer and author for what it is, a business.  The cost of manuscript edits are an investment in your future success.  

Once your manuscript is in our hands 3rd Coast Books does the following:

  • Our Review Board will evaluate the quality of the content of your manuscript. If they think the content needs more work, getting that work done is up to you and/or a editorial professional.
  • When your book project has passed our Review Board and you have signed your publishing contract, the book will be thoroughly edited for grammar and content.
  • Once you sign-off on the finalized manuscript, the book goes into production. We will produce hard copy, perfect bound books and eBooks from your manuscript.
  • We design your cover and, with your input, create an identity for your title.
  • We coach the author about the new book marketing model utilizing social media.




How much will it cost me to Publish with 3rd Coast Books?

      We have set prices for fiction and nonfiction titles under 90,000 words:

  •  Fiction      — $4,495.00
  •  Nonfiction — $4,695.00


What does that fee include?

      The above fee includes a thorough grammar edit once a contract is signed, cover design, formatting the text of the hard copy book and eBook, distribution, and assistance with marketing. For a more detailed list of what is included in the publishing packages, click on PACKAGE PRICING in the banner above.

What am I responsible for other than writing the manuscript?

      You are responsible for getting your text edited before submission to 3rd Coast Books, setting up a website, your social media marketing, the printing of marketing materials, and sending your social media/email list to your contacts.

What profit do I make?

      Authors take home 50% of the Royalties paid to 3rd Coast Books by distributors.

Can I buy copies of my book to sell at signings, book fairs, or at the back of the room?

      Yes, but you get 50 hard copies (soft back) of the book as part of the overall package (author is responsible for the freight and any taxes). You also get a hefty discount on additional books you can buy to sell. Please note that these books should be ordered at least 6 weeks in advance of when you need them. Below is the breakdown:

  • 50 copies or more carry a 50% discount off retail price
  • Over 250 copies, we will talk about printing an offset run
  • Author must pay freight

How does 3rd Coast Books distribute my books and ebooks?

      We distribute books both nationally and internationally initially through Amazon – over 85% of all books sold go through Amazon,  Should demand warrant distribution will be expanded to other retailers.